FSA Plan Rules for 2022

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The Consolidations Appropriations Act, 2021 provided additional flexibility for Careflex and Mediflex plans during the 2020 and 2021 plan years. These amendments were temporary and have not been extended by Congress beyond December 31, 2021. This means Careflex and Mediflex plans will revert to pre-covid rules starting January 1, 2022, including:

  • Dependent Care (Careflex) Maximum Election - The maximum election for the 2022 plan year is $5,000 ($2,500 for taxpayers who are married but filing separate returns).

  • Election Changes (Careflex or Mediflex) - No election changes may be made outside of Open Enrollment unless you experience a qualifying status change. 

  • Deadline to Use Dependent Care (Careflex) Expenses - Eligible expenses applicable to plan year 2021 must be incurred by December 31, 2021. 

  • Deadline to Use Medical Care (Mediflex) Expenses - Unused funds from plan year 2021 will not be carried over to plan year 2022. Any remaining funds not incurred by December 31, 2021 will be forfeited as required by law.

  • Dependent Care (Careflex) Qualifying Age - The ending age for qualifying dependent care expenses is 13.

Changes to your 2022 plan year contributions must be submitted to Human Resources Management by October 31, 2021. Please contact a Benefits Specialist at (662) 325-3713 or benefits@hrm.mssate.edu if you have any questions.